Update (15 January 2022): Emails have been sent out with the results of the review. If you have not received the notification email, please check your spam folder; if it is not there, please contact us at rethinking.sound@gmail.com. You can also check the results of the review by signing in to your Dashboard below.
Deadline extended: In response to demands for an extension of deadline in the midst of holiday season, we have decided to extend the submission deadline for “Differentiating Sound Studies: Politics of Sound and Listening” until 7 January 2022, 23:59 (UTC+9). Those who have already submitted their abstracts may revise their submissions until the new deadline, if necessary.
Thank you for your interest in “Differentiating Sound Studies: Politics of Sound and Listening.”
Please create an account with your email address and password, and log in to submit your proposal. Upon submission, you should receive a system-generated email confirming your submission. It may end up in the spam folder, so be sure to check there and whitelist our email address. (You can also check the status of your submission in your Dashboard, which should read “Pending Review,” meaning we have received your abstracts.) If you do not receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of submission or have any other questions, feel free to contact us at rethinking.sound@gmail.com.
Free Paper
Each paper is given 20 minutes for presentation, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Panel Presentation
Each panel presentation will be a 90/120-minute session with three to five papers, including time for discussion. The organizer of a panel should act as the corresponding author and provide an overall description of the entire panel in the form given. The abstracts of each paper should then be uploaded as a single file attachment.
An individual may submit no more than one proposal in each category.
The maximum length of abstracts is 250 words for each individual abstract and panel description.
All abstracts are subject to blind review. Please use the form provided, and attachments are reserved for supporting materials, if any, and Panel Presentation (see above).