
(Last Updated 3 March 2025)

We are pleased to share the preliminary program for Audible Futures: Media, Ecology, and Art. This schedule reflects our carefully curated sessions, bringing together diverse perspectives on sound, technology, and culture.

Please note that this is a tentative schedule, and changes may occur as we finalize the program. We appreciate your understanding and will keep you updated with any revisions.

Stay tuned for more details, and we look forward to welcoming you to an engaging and thought-provoking conference!

Day 1, Friday, 28 March 2025

09:30–09:40 Welcoming Address

Professor Kyung-Young CHUNG (Director, Music Research Center, Hanyang University)

09:45–10:45 Keynote Lecture 1

Kozo HIRAMATSU (Kyoto University), Why Noise Was Defined as ‘Non-Musical Sound’ in the Mid-19th Century?

11:00–13:00 Session 1a: Music, Sound, and Storytelling in Digital Spaces

Chair: Mark KATZ (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

11:00–11:30 Yi Eun CHUNG (Hanyang University), Global Challenges and the Evolution of Korean Local Music Platforms

11:30–12:00 Stefan GREENFIELD-CASAS (University of Richmond), The Politics of Virtual Voice

12:00–12:30 Kristopher HILBERT (CUNY Graduate Center), Reel-to-Real: The Material Logic and Political Ecology of Magnetic Tape

12:30–13:00 Teerath MAJUMDER (Columbia College Chicago), Streaming Immersion and the Isolation of the Listening Space

11:00–13:00 Session 1b: Acoustic Ecologies and Sonic Interventions

Chair: Kozo HIRAMATSU (Kyoto University)

11:00–11:30 Boris WONG (SOAS, University of London), Heartbeats or Noise? Negotiating Military Band Sounds in Singapore’s Urban Soundscapes

11:30–12:00 Katrin LOSLEBEN (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), Sonic Temporalities

12:00–12:30 Federica NARDELLA (Independent Researcher), Vocality and Indigenous Epistemology in the Man-Eagle Partnerships of Post-Soviet Kyrgyz Eagle Hunting: Voicing Heritage, Negotiating Agency, and Mediating the Human-Wildlife Conflict

12:30–13:00 Kate McQUISTON (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa), Negotiating Spectacle: Sonic failure and transformation in Jordan Peele’s Nope

13:00–14:30 Lunch Break

14:30–16:00 Session 2a: Technology, Perception and Musical Innovation

Chair: Hye-yoon CHUNG (Korea National University of Arts)

14:30–15:00 Emerson VOSS (University of Pittsburgh), A New Music Critique of Neoliberalism: Arts Funding and Fake Feces in Norway

15:00–15:30 Luiz Ribeiro FONSECA (Federal Fluminense University), Listening to Amazônia Verde Viva: Intersections of Music and Non-Human Voices in the Global South

15:30–16:00 Julin LEE (University of Music and Theatre Munich), (Inter-)Facing the Music: Engaging with Television Series Soundtracks in the Streaming Era

14:30–16:30 Session 2b: Music, Voice, and Political Resistance

Chair: Yongsik KANG (Andong National University)

14:30–15:00 Diogo SALMERON CARVALHO (Marywood University), “Open the Bruise Up”: Identity and Memory in Steve Reich’s Music

15:00–15:30 Yechan MOON (Yonsei University), Sound and Access to Information: The Political Implications of the Loudspeaker Broadcasts to North Korea

15:30–16:00 Leila TAYEB (Northwestern University in Qatar), The Sound of a Checkpoint: Making Islamo-Masculine Space in Post-Revolutionary Libya

16:00–16:30 Andrew IRVIN (University of Melbourne), Both heard and unheard – Sound in Culture & Control

17:00–17:30 Korean Traditional Music Performance

18:00–20:00 Conference Dinner

Day 2, Saturday, 29 March 2025

09:30–11:30 Session 3a: Music, Artificial Intelligence, and Creativity

Chair: Kyoung Hwa KIM (Hanyang University)

09:30–10:00 Katsushi NAKAGAWA (Yokohama National University), What happened to Environmental Music in 1980s Japan when it was reevaluated as Kankyō Ongaku in 2010s Japan?

10:00–10:30 Xingyu JI (Peking University), Shuttling Between Music and Sound: The Manifestation of Phonography in Samson Young’s Sound Art Works

10:30–11:00 Rafael LOPES DOS SANTOS (University of Évora/CESEM), The Brazilian indigenous sonic culture through music: a study based on the discography of Egberto Gismonti

11:00–11:30 Sohyeon PARK (SoundWolf Co., Ltd.), Sonic Materialism and Sonic Nostalgia: Designing Immersive Soundscapes for Memory and Emotional Well-being

09:30–11:00 Session 3b: Media, Music, and the Shaping of Experience

Chair: Kyung Young CHUNG (Hanyang University)

09:30–10:00 Anna YU WANG (Princeton University), Inter-Ideological Acoustics: A Model of Listening for a Divided Society

10:00–10:30 Anandit SACHDEV (Shiv Nadar University), The Anatomy and Political Currency of Indian Sound Systems

10:30–11:00 Dario GALLEANA (University of Turin), Endangered Sounds: Participatory podcast and immersive sound for political resistance in internal areas

11:45–12:45 Keynote Lecture 2

Mark KATZ (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Modern Analog Listening and the Transculturation of the Japanese Jazz Kissa

13:00–13:30 Special Session: National Asia Culture Center

13:30–14:30 Lunch Break

14:30–16:30 Session 4a: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Music and Media

Chair: Kyung Myun LEE (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

14:30–15:00 Irene Eunyoung LEE (Hoseo University), Chrysalysis: The Metamorphosis of Experiential Sound Art

15:00–15:30 Dylan Diego BRADBURY (University of Manchester) and Oliver JONAS (Independent Researcher), Digital Archiving and Listening In/To Acoustic Space: Patterns of User Contribution to the Sound Mapping Project AudioSpaces

15:30–16:00 Aaron LIU-ROSENBAUM (Laval University), Political resistance through experimental music and sound art

16:00–16:30 Suin PARK (Hanyang University), Messiaen’s Ecological Listening and the Performativity of Musical Temporality

14:30–16:00 Session 4b: Sonic Representations of Place and Memory

Chair: Hee Seng KYE (Hanyang University)

14:30–15:00 Nina GOODMAN (University of Chicago), Sounding Out a Unified Korea at the Borderland

15:00–15:30 Golo FÖLLMER (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg), Streaming Sound Ecologies. Case studies on Ecoacoustic Musicking

15:30–16:00 Jiarui Jerry HU (Independent Researcher), The Songs of Cicada: The Dong people’s Diverse Imaginaries of Cicadas in Dong Music

14:30–16:00 Side Event: 소 · 음 · 쇼 (student presentation showcase, conducted in Korean)

16:30–16:40 Closing Address

Professor Kyung-Young CHUNG (Director, Music Research Center, Hanyang University)

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