
We are delighted to announce the final program for Rethinking Sound 2018. A soft copy of the entire program book (65 MB), with abstracts and bios, can be accessed and downloaded here. (Click here to download the program below.)

LEGEND: ICR (International Conference Room); SR (Seminar Room); PCH (Paiknam Concert Hall)

Day 1, Friday 30 March 2018

08:30–09:00 Registration (6F, Paiknam Library & Academic Information Center)

09:00–09:20 Welcoming Addresses (ICR)

Professor Young Moo LEE (President, Hanyang University)
Professor Kyung-Young CHUNG (Director, Music Research Center)

09:30–10:30 Keynote Lecture 1 (ICR)

Keith HOWARD (SOAS, University of London), Rethinking the Sounds of Place

10:40–12:10 Session 1a: Gender/Identity/Politics (SR1)
Chair: Kozo HIRAMATSU (Kyoto University)

10:40–11:10 Heather MACLACHLAN (University of Dayton), Transgender Singers in North American LGBT Community Choirs
11:10–11:40 Danielle SOFER (Maynooth University, Ireland), The Sound of (Sex) Music
11:40–12:10 Hasan HEJAIRI (Seoul National University), With Roads a No-Go, Sound is Vertical and Silence Horizontal

10:40–12:40 Session 1b: Body (SR2)
Chair: Hee Seng KYE (Music Research Center, Hanyang University)

10:40–11:10 Hye-yoon CHUNG (Myongji University), Musical Agency, Embodied Sound, and the Co-constitution of Music
11:10–11:40 Richard ELLIOTT (Newcastle University), From Sound Objects to Song Objects: Rethinking Sonic Materiality and Metaphor
11:40–12:10 Monika VOITHOFER (University of Graz), “My Material is not Sound. My Material is Audibility”: Notes on Non-Cochlear Music
12:10–12:40 John WYNNE (University of the Arts London), The Sound of Feelings: Voice, Language and Emotion in Organ Transplant Patients

12:40–14:00 Lunch Break

14:00–15:00 Keynote Lecture 2 (ICR)

Giorgio BIANCOROSSO (The University of Hong Kong), ‘Making Sounds Heard’: Attractions and Narrative in the Early Sound Period

15:10–17:10 Session 2a: Film (SR1)
Chair: Giorgio BIANCOROSSO (The University of Hong Kong)

15:10–15:40 Federico FAVALI (University of Birmingham) & Maria MANNONE (University of Minnesota), The Sound Metamorphosis: How Concert Music Structures Deal with Movie Scenes; The Case of Shutter Island
15:40–16:10 Kate MCQUISTON (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa), Mapping Michel Gondry: Music and Sound for a Man of all Genres
16:10–16:40 Hee Seng KYE (Music Research Center, Hanyang University), Why was Bruce Listening to “Casta diva”? Soundtrack as a Sonic/Sonified Conscience in Avengers: The Age of Ultron
16:40–17:10 Hye-Kyung YUNE (Independent Scholar), Two Acoustic Effects on Image of Film: Articulation and “Rhythmization”

15:10–16:40 Session 2b: Virtual Soundscape (SR2)
Chair: Hye-yoon CHUNG (Myongji University)

15:10–15:40 James WILLIAMS (University of Derby), Ethnosonicologies Online: An Insight into Cyberspatial Sonorities and Virtual Soundscapes
15:40–16:10 Byrd MCDANIEL (Brown University), Watch Me Listen: Lip Syncing Videos and Fluent Circulation on
16:10–16:40 Michael GARDINER & John LATARTARA (University of Mississippi), Soundscapes, Networks, and Reconfigured Multiplicities: Music Theory in the Wake of Sound Studies

17:30–18:00 Performance of Korean Music (PCH)

18:00–20:00 Conference Dinner (Lobby of PCH)

Day 2, Saturday 31 March 2018

09:30–10:30 Keynote Lecture 3 (ICR)

William CHENG (Dartmouth College), “His Music Was Not a Weapon”: Black Noise, Breakable Skin, and the Plundered Voice of Jordan Russell Davis

10:40–12:10 Session 3a: Cultural/Historical Soundscape (SR1)
Chair: Hyunseok KWON (Music Research Center, Hanyang University)

10:40–11:10 Jeong-Eun SEO (Seoul National University), Sound Unseen or Sound Seen: Un-acousmatic Sound and Listening of Helmut Lachenmann’s musique concrète instrumentale
11:10–11:40 Jocelyn CLARK (Pai Chai University), Ten Years, Four Minutes, and Thirty-Three Seconds: Creating a New Sound of Place
11:40–12:10 Kozo HIRAMATSU (Kyoto University), Noise / War Memory / Okinawa

10:40–12:10 Session 3b: Urban Soundscape (SR2)
Chair: Eunju JEONG (Department of Arts and Technology, Hanyang University)

10:40–11:10 Heejin KIM (Korean National Research Center for the Arts), A Symbol of a More Inclusive and Unbounded Society: The World Music Fountain Performances at Seoul Arts Center
11:10–11:40 Yusun WON (Seoul National University), Hear the City Sing! Sound, Technology and Urban Space in the Project Musicity (2017 Seoul)
11:40–12:10 SoundCamp (Maria PAPADOMANOLAKI, Dawn SCARFE, and Grant SMITH), Acoustic Commons: Sharing Environmental Sounds in Real Time

12:10–13:30 Lunch Break

13:30–15:00 Roundtable Discussion: Whither Sound Studies? (ICR)
Moderator: Hee Seng KYE; Panel: Giorgio BIANCOROSSO, William CHENG, and Keith HOWARD

15:00–15:10 Closing Address (ICR)