(Last updated 14 April 2022)
We have eight themed sessions of 28 papers from eleven countries, to be complemented by two keynote lectures and a round-table discussion on “Asian Sound Cultures.” You can join by clicking the Zoom links provided below. Please note that each session has a unique Zoom link, and that all times listed below are UTC+9. The following site might come in handy when you calculate the time differences: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html.
Each Zoom link will go live 30 minutes prior to the session for a quick tech checkup, and only the presenters and the chair of the session are allowed in at this point. The meeting room will be open to all registered participants 10 minutes before the session begins.
Before you join the meeting, please ensure that the display name matches that in the program/registration, and we ask that, if possible, the webcam be switched on but your microphone muted.
One last thing: The entire conference will be recorded for archiving purposes, and other than the two keynote lectures, we have no plans to share the videos publicly (or even privately).
The abstracts for the program can be found here. A soft copy of the entire program book (last updated 14 April 2022), with abstracts and bios, can be downloaded here.
Should anything go wrong in the middle of the conference, send us an email; we will keep an eye on it.
We hope you enjoy the conference!
Day 1, Friday, 15 April 2022
07:50–08:00 Welcoming Address (Zoom link)
Professor Kyung-Young CHUNG (Director, Music Research Center, Hanyang University)
08:00–09:00 Keynote Lecture 1 (Zoom link)
Eric DROTT (The University of Texas at Austin), Streaming, Sleep, and the Crises of Social Reproduction
09:00–11:00 Session 1a: Class & Stratum (Zoom link)
Chair: Steve JONES (University of Illinois Chicago)
09:00–09:30 Nimalan YOGANATHAN (Concordia University), Aural Counterpublic Resistance: Noise, Silence and Acoustical Agency in Protest Tactics
09:30–10:00 David KJAR (Chicago College of Performing Arts, Roosevelt University), Sounding New Old-Music for 21st-Century Royalty: Commissioning Early Music at the Pine Island Music Festival
10:00–10:30 Patrick MITCHELL (University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music), Communicating Rage: Multifaceted Resistance as Sonic Protest in Rage Against the Machine’s Self-Titled Album (1992)
10:30–11:00 Andrés TORRES (Universidad de Antioquia), The Sound Identity of the Resistance: Testimonies and Canyon Songs that Fluid Through a Sound Cloud that Stands a Fight Against a Megaproject
09:00–10:30 Session 1b: Sound, Class, and Technology (Zoom link)
Chair: Yongsik KANG (Andong National University)
09:00–09:30 Jordan ZALIS (Memorial University), Net Effects: Listening to Basketball in Toronto
09:30–10:00 Stefan GREENFIELD-CASAS (Northwestern University), Video Games Alive: (Re)playful Listenings in Video Game Music Concerts
10:00–10:30 Cody Black (Duke University), Headphonic Ignorance: Wireless Headphones, Anticipatory Listening, and (In)Audible Disconnect of Everyday Movement in South Korea
11:00–13:00 Session 2a: Gender & Sexuality, Part 1 (Zoom link)
Chair: Hyunseok KWON (Hanyang University)
11:00–11:30 Lara BALIKCI (McGill University), A Queer Phenomenology of Furniture Music: A Case Study of Alvin Lucier’s I am Sitting in a Room (1969) as Musical Furniture
11:30–12:00 Yiqing MA (University of Michigan), Theorizing Vocal Timbre: Gender Performance and Transgression in J-pop
12:00–12:30 Sunhong KIM (University of Michigan), Gender Association in Traditional Korean Sound in Hallyu
12:30–13:00 Madeleine FRIESEN (University of Toronto), Transvocalisms: Technology and (Tres)passing as Sound Education
11:00–12:30 Session 2b: Sound Studies in Action (Zoom link)
Chair: Kayoung LEE (Sungshin Women’s University)
11:00–11:30 Francesca INGLESE (Northeastern University), Beyond the Binary: Race and Sonic Orientation in Coloured Popular Musicking
11:30–12:00 Michael FRISHKOPF (University of Alberta), The Sonorous, Audible Mosque
12:00–12:30 Young Eun KIM (University of California, Santa Cruz), A Study on the Origins of “Ear Training” in the Modernization Period of Korea: Japanese Music Education and Military Training
13:00–14:00 Lunch (Breakout rooms available via Zoom) (Zoom link)
14:00–16:00 Roundtable: Asian Sound Cultures (Zoom link)
Moderator: Hee Seng KYE (Hanyang University)
Panel: Vebhuti DUGGAL (Ambedkar University Delhi), Philip FLAVIN (Kansai Gaidai University), Jenny HALL (Monash University), Iris HAUKAMP (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Christin HOENE (Maastricht University), Jina Eleanor KIM (University of Oregon), Martyn David SMITH (University of Sheffield), Kornphanat TUNGKEUNKUNT (Thammasat University), Noah VIERNES (Akita International University), Ka Lee WONG (University of Southern California)
Day 2, Saturday, 16 April 2022
10:00–11:00 Keynote Lecture 2 (Zoom link)
Mack HAGOOD (Miami University), Tinnitus and the Politics of Listening
11:00–12:30 Session 3a: Gender & Sexuality, Part 2 (Zoom link)
Chair: Eric DROTT (The University of Texas at Austin)
11:00–11:30 Melek CHEKILI (University of Southern California), From Silence to Music: Alternative Voices to Bear Witness in Les Silences Du Palais (Tlatli, 1994)
11:30–12:00 AM MEDINA (University of California, San Diego), Toward a Trans of Color Sound Studies: Annihilation, Silence, and Listening Against the Necropolitical
12:00–12:30 Iris BLAKE (University of California, Los Angeles), Sounding Queer Futurities in Larissa Lai’s Speculative Fiction
11:00–13:00 Session 3b: Sound Studies Contextualized (Zoom link)
Chair: Jungwon KIM (Yonsei University)
11:00–11:30 Hee Seng KYE (Hanyang University), Mixtape, Walkman, and Generation X: Tracing Nostalgia in Guardians of the Galaxy
11:30–12:00 Yi Eun CHUNG (Hanyang University), Singing Elite Christians: Christianity and the Rise of Folk Music in South Korea, 1968–1975
12:00–12:30 Hye Eun CHOI (New York University Shanghai), Re-imagining “Tears of Mokp’o”: From a Korean Resistance Anthem to a Baseball Fight Song
12:30–13:00 Tadahiko IMADA (Hirosaki University), Out of Deconstruction: Creating Alternative Music for Children through the Sound Education
13:00–15:00 Lunch (Breakout rooms available via Zoom) (Zoom link)
15:00–17:00 Session 4a: Politics of Sound (Zoom link)
Chair: Kozo HIRAMATSU (Kyoto University)
15:00–15:30 Susanne SACKL-SHARIF (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz), ‘Skateboarding is not a crime’: On the Functions of Sounds in the Fight for Public Spaces
15:30–16:00 Ruard ABSAROKA (University of Salzburg), “Listening the Other Way”: Sonic Agnotology and the Politics and Practices of Differentiation through Musical Unknowing
16:00–16:30 Rastko BULJANČEVIĆ (Academy of Arts of Novi Sad), Resisting the Sounds of Otherness: Soundscape, Distortion, (Self-)Violence, and Narrativity in the Drama Film Sound of Metal (2019)
16:30–17:00 Pedro J S VIEIRA DE OLIVEIRA (Independent Researcher), Politicizing Acoustic Features: The Colonial Apparatus of Voice Biometry in the German Asylum System
15:00–16:30 Session 4b: Gender, Technology, and Voice (Zoom link)
Chair: Sang Wook YI (Hanyang University)
15:00–15:30 Veronika MUCHITSCH (Södertörn University), “Bubblegrunge” and Formations of Gendered Sound in Spotify’s Genre Practices
15:30–16:00 Maximilian HABERER (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), Streaming Against the Stream: Evading and Subverting the Power of Music Streaming Platforms
16:00–16:30 Christopher ZYSIK (Paderborn University), The Voice of Cuteness: Constructing Gender Segregation in Japanese Idol Music
17:00–17:10 Closing Address (Zoom link)
Professor Kyung-Young CHUNG (Director, Music Research Center, Hanyang University)